All A/B Tests start at MIDNIGHT Amazon Time

Please check the next day to see if the test is ACTIVE

This article covers guidance for




1. Please check the next day to see if it is active as all tests start at midnight in the respective Amazon market you are testing for. 

2. If the test is still pending the next day, please login to CashCowPro and go to the A/B TESTING section in the main menu.

3. In the A/B TESTING section of CashCowPro, click on the SKU number of the product that is "PENDING"

4. Click STOP TEST to stop the current test (if it was showing PENDING after 4 hours from launching it)

5. Press back (to go to the main A/B TESTING page) and then set up a NEW A/B TEST for for the product 

6. Please check the new test again after 24 hours.

7. If the new A/B Test is still "PENDING" after 4 hours please contact us at hello@cashcowpro.com 


To test a Title, you first need to have CashCowPro Advanced Set Up, which includes adding an email user for CashCowPro in Seller Central with limited permissions. Please see the help article here:

How to Set Up CashCowPro Advanced Features

Amazon sometimes blocks title changes even if you make the change in Seller Central directly. 

Also, all A/B Tests start at midnight in the respective Amazon marketplace. Please check the next day to see if the test is ACTIVE. 

Please check if you are able to change the title for the product directly in Seller Central

1. Login to Amazon Seller Central

2. Go to "Manage Inventory" then "Edit" and change the Title of the product you are trying to A/B Test.

3. Check to see if the Title has changed in Seller Central and on the Amazon Product Listing page (the page your customers see) after 15 minutes.

4. If the Title has not changed on the product listing, Amazon is blocking your Title change.

Please contact Amazon through Seller Central to update the title. This is the reason CashCowPro are not able to update the Title, as it is an Amazon issue. 

5. If you are able to change the Title in Seller Central and the Product updates but your A/B Test for your Title options is PENDING in CashCowPro, please allow 4 hours for the test to start

6. If the Title has not changed after 4 hours from the creation of your A/B Test, please contact us at hello@cashcowpro.com

Please allow 1 to 2 business days for a reply from our support team

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